COSS By-Laws

This section contains the complete bylaws of the Council of Special Services, the Special Interest Council of the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association. Some of the topics covered include: definitions, rights of the membership, procedures governing the operations, procedures for nomination and election of officers, duties of the COSS Provincial Executive members, and financial.


The official name of this organization shall be the Council of Special Services (COSS).


COSS is a special interest council that operates under the auspices of the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association (NLTA).


Council of Special Services members include: Educational Psychologists, School Counsellors, Instructional Resource Teachers, Speech Language Pathologists, Itinerant Teachers for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Itinerant Teachers for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and Autism Program Itinerants. These positions make up Student Support Services and are allocated by the Department of Education.


The Council of Special Services is a part of the NLTA Professional Learning Community. It serves as a professional learning community whose main objectives are:

  1. To act as an agency that strives to create a learning community that supports each other and reviews best practices.
  2. To provide our membership with professional development and opportunities for collaboration which will benefit all members of Student Support Services.
  3. To work in accordance with the aims, objectives and the terms of affiliation as a special interest council with the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers’ Association.
  4. To act as a voice for special services members in Newfoundland and Labrador in matters relating to training, certification, promotion of high standards of professional competency, improvement of student support resources and services, to all stakeholders within the Newfoundland and Labrador public K-12 school system.
  5. To support active and on-going liaison with business, industry, educational institutions, agencies and government departments.
  6. To promote a better understanding of the philosophy, objectives and services related to student support services.
  7. To foster the development of these services in educational institutions in Newfoundland and Labrador.
  8. To make recommendations to the Newfoundland & Labrador Teachers’ Association Professional Development Committee and/or Provincial Executive of the Association on matters affecting the Special Services within all schools, and their members.


Requirement of Membership: Must have membership in the NLTA and work in the field of Student Support Services. All active members shall be entitled to full privileges of council including the right to vote and to hold office.


The Executive shall have the power to fill through appointment, offices becoming vacant during the council’s year.

A member of the executive absenting themselves for two consecutive meetings without showing a good cause shall be deemed to have resigned.


The officers of the Association shall include a President, Vice-President, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Communications Officer.


  1. Be responsible for the effective functioning of the Provincial Executive Committee.
  2. Call and chair all executive meetings and arrange for agendas for each meeting.
  3. Before Executive meetings work with the secretary to review the previous meeting minutes, set the agenda and send both to members at least seven days in advance.
  4. With the Vice President, review and recommend changes to executive roles if necessary.
  5. Reside over the Annual General Meeting and submit the Annual Report at that time.
  6. Attend all Special Interest Council President’s meetings and maintain liaison with the NLTA and other NLTA Special Interest Councils.
  7. Act as official representative of the Association to outside committees requiring representation.
  8. Encourage active regional branches and projects.
  9. Be one of the signing officers of the council.
  10. With other executive members, complete the SIC annual Viability Profile by Oct. 15th With other executive members, compile the Annual Provincial Registration and Budget Request by Oct. 15th and applicable applications for special projects.

Vice President

  1. Assume such duties and responsibilities as they may be delegated by the president.
  2. Attend all executive meetings.
  3. Work with the President in encouraging active regional branches and projects.
  4. Assist other executive members with duties.
  5. Be responsible for liaison with Branch Presidents.
  6. Fill in for the President when needed.
  7. Participate in planning and chairing at least one program meeting.
  8. With the President, review and recommend changes to executive roles.


  1. Provide advice and information to the executive members.
  2. Attend meetings of the executive.
  3. Assist in setting up necessary committees.


  1. Work with the President to draft an agenda for each executive meeting.
  2. Keep accurate minutes of each executive meeting and AGM.
  3. Within two weeks of the meeting, submit minutes to the President form comment and review. Upon approval, email minutes to the SIC executive.
  4. Revise minutes based on input for the Executive.
  5. Present the final version for approval at the next executive meeting.
  6. Keep copies of all agendas, minutes, other documents and important correspondence to transfer to the incoming executive.
  7. Bring before the executive all official correspondence.
  8. Work closely with the President in the planning of various meetings.
  9. Carry out other duties as may be designated by the executive.
  10. Maintain a record of all executive meetings and Annual General Meetings (AGM) to be forwarded to the incoming executive.


  1. Before the end of the school year, prepare the annual budget in line with directives from the executive and NLTA funding.
  2. Ensure that programs are run on at least a breakeven basis.
  3. If needed, request additional funds to subsidize other Special Interest Council or activity or projects.
  4. Recommend pricing for all programs, including PL.
  5. Set up and maintain the SIC bank account.
  6. Be a signing officer.
  7. Deposit funds and pay expenses as authorized by the executive in a complete and timely manner.
  8. Consider and comment on all recommendations for use of funds.
  9. Monitor the funds allotment from the NLTA.
  10. Prepare and present to the provincial executive an annual budget in consultation with the President.
  11. Prepare and present an annual financial report at the Annual General Meeting.
  12. Prepare and submit all relevant documents required for the Annual Provincial Registration and Budget request as well as any requested /required audits or reports.
  13. Keep copies of all financial reports to transfer to incoming executives.

Communications Officer

  1. Prepare and send notices calling all regular or executive membership.
  2. Maintain a current database of all members by setting up a membership google form to be sent out annually.
  3. Be accessible to receive new members.
  4. Maintain ongoing communications with all Branch Presidents.
  5. Consult with the Communications Officer at the NLTA regarding publication and distribution of communications as required.
  6. Coordinate newsletter article submissions to the NLTA Bulletin.
  7. Coordinate receipt and disbursement of information as deemed necessary through social media and emails.
  8. Maintain Association WEB page by contacting NLTA Webmaster to maintain an up to date website including information about upcoming events.


  1. Candidates shall be formally nominated at the AGM. Only Full Members of the Association shall be eligible for Executive positions.
  2. Candidates for executive positions other than President, will be nominated in the year the President-Elect takes office. This election will be conducted by the out-going President.


Members of the Association will follow standards of practice as outlined by the Department of Education and shall abide by the Act, By-Laws and Code of Ethics as established by the NLTA.


Any representation which the Provincial Association wishes to make to any organization, government department, or other agency shall be conducted with the approval of the Provincial Executive (during an Executive meeting).


The Association shall present to the Annual General Meeting a written report of its programs, activities and finances for the preceding fiscal year.


  1. All funds shall be deposited in a bank account and no disbursement (except petty cash) shall be paid except by cheque.
  2. There shall be two signing members which include President and Treasurer.


The fiscal year of COSS shall commence September 01 and end August 31 to correspond with the NLTA’s fiscal year.


  1. Notice of motion to attend this Constitution must be presented to the membership not less than one month before such amendments are to be voted upon at the Annual General Meeting. A 50% plus one majority of the membership present at the Annual General Meeting is required before the proposed amendments can be approved.
  2. Quorum at the AGM is defined by the NLTA By Laws as being all those present at the AGM.

All meetings of the Executive and Convention shall be governed by Advice on the Conduct of Meetings, published by the Canadian Teachers’ Federation, supplemented by Robert’s Rules of Order.